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Some photo's supplied by our friends at aussiemetaldetecting.com
(Also Thanks to Finn, Mike and Rene Polman, Jim Buchanan and Bob Ruebel who provided photo's on this page)
(Ando Arms)
Thanks to members of the I.A.A for some photo's
3 Plus signs, caliber
Green dot = Photo by Robert Reubel
Austria C C
D Crown GR (George Roth) Patent Universal
GR Logo, 4 part stars
GR stars, Lichienworth
G.Roth A.G Wien
H stars Patent-Zund (H=Hirtenberg)
(also 16 gauge)
Hirtenberg astereisks
Hirtenberg 12 asterisks photo by Sky Chen
Hirtenberg stars
Hirtenberg GG (GG =Gustloff Werke,Hirtenberg, Austria)
Hirtenberg star, date code
Hirtenberg K&C (K&C = Kellar & Company)
Hirtenberger stars
IOH Springer Ebren Wien
K&C (Kellar & Co)
L Mandl & Comp Wien
L.M & Co Wien (Ludwig Mandle & Company)
(also in 12, 16 and 20 gauge)
L.M & Co Patent
OJP Kramsach
Orechovsky Graz
Peterlongo Innsbruck
Polyshot Austria
R Star
Schutzmarke Fasan
Sirius Star
Skoda Wetzeler 16
Sporting Cartridge
Stars and Box
Wollersdorf (made for Sellier & Bellot, Czechoslovakia)
Wollersdorf made by S&B for them.
WW 4 part (Wollersdorffer)
Zentrum (by Kellar & Co)
Thanks to members of the I.A.A and Finn for some Photo's
Blue dot = Picture by Rene Polman
Yellow dot = Picture by Gabriel Vasque
Red dot= Photo by Heath Kushner
2 stars (by PRB)
Star Gauge (by Cartoucherie d'Andrelecht made by S.A)
Star (by Momag)
Red dot = Photo by Heath Kushner
Stars by Cooppal
3 stars, triangle
A. Cantrell Sipol
Capsulerie Liegeoise Liege
A.D Jansen Bruxelles
A. Francotte, Bruxelles
A. Leclercq, Couvin
Red dot = Photo by Heath Kushner |
Ancienne, H. Mahillon (also used Mahillon)
(also 20 gauge)
Arms & Munitions L
A Thonton Namur
B stars (Raised) by Bachmann (LB also used for Louis Bachmann)
Bachmann Brevette
Bachmann Bruxelles
(also 20 gauge)
Bachmann Bruxelles line caliber line
Bachmann Depose
Bachmann Importe de Belgique
Bury Donickier lines
Bury Super Speed
C A Dianne (Cartoucherie Anfrelecht)
Capsulerie Ligeoise Liege
CARTie Belge Liege
C B Standard star star C 12 B -
C+B+C + Bruxelles +
CH Fusnot - See Fusnot
CH Roy Nalinnes by Eley
Christophe Bruxelles (also uses L. Christophe Bruxelles)
CH Sporco 12 12 Liege -
CL L (Capsulerie Ligeoise, Liege)
C.L Liege Made in Belgium (Capsulerie Ligeoise, Liege)
CL Chevron (Capsulerie Ligeoise, Liege)
C.L Made in Belgium (Capsulerie Ligeoise, Liege)
CL Logo stars Gloria (Capsulerie Ligeoise, Liege)
Cooppal Belgium
(also 20 gauge)
Cowboy (Made by FN for Lois Deau, France)
CRB (Cartoucherie Russo Belge)
CRB Liege (scrolled font)
CRB Standard 12 12 (antique font) -
Stars by CRB
Russo Belge Liege by CRB
Dianne (scrolled font) by Cartoucherie Anfrelecht
(also used CA Dianne)
Emmanuel Gervais, Anvers
Green dot = Robert Ruebel
Epreuve Liege
FM L (Liege)
FN (Fabrique Nationale, Herstal)
(also 20 gauge)
(also 20 gauge)
F. Turvey 12 12 Made in Belgium Bury St. Edmunds -
Fortuna Fortuna casings with a caliber or an L at the bottom were made in Liege, Belgium by Jansen Freres. Those with a K were made in Koldschield, Germany.
H. Lepine Namur
H. Pieper Liege
Blue dot = Picture by Rene Polman
J. Demay Bte SGDG Havre
J. Deussen Bruxelles
J. Pire & Co Anvers
Jules Gervais Anvers
J. Van Maele Bruxelles No 12 . Eley . -
Langley & Lewis Case Made In Belgium No 12 or 16 Luton -
Lauchausse Liege -
LB (Louis Bachmann & Cie) B also used by Bachmann
LB 3 stars each side
LB 3 asterisks each side
(also 12 gauge) LB 4 asterisks each side
(also 20 gauge)
LB 8 asterisks each side
LB 5 stars each side (raised)
LB 6 stars each side (raised)
LB 7 stars each side (raised)
L. Christophe Bruxelles (also uses Christophe Bruxelles)
Lux, Crosses
Macq Chimay
M Arendt Liege (raised)
(also 16 gauge)
Made in Belgium (top 24 gauge made by Coopall)
Mahillon (also used Ancienne, H. Mahillon)
(also 20 gauge)
Masquelier Liege
Marque Au Lion
(also 12 gauge)
M&C 12 12 CA -
M&C 12 12 C.A. (larger and scrolled font) -
M Dehousse Namur
M Donckier Liege
Mre Nationale Belge
Mullerite Stars (many made by Eley)
Normal (made for England)
Paradaents Bruges
Paul Schraff Bruxelles
Phebus 2 stars
PRB (Poudreries Reunies de Belgique)
12 star photo by Ethan Rider
Preuve 16 16 Liege -
Russo Belge Liege by CRB
SA Cartoucherie Anderlecht / Societe Anderlecht
(also 12 gauge)
Samaritaine (made for France)
Sans Deperdition
(Red dot = Photo by Heath Kushner) |
Sustendal Beaumont
The Belgiam Arms Co
Thonet Verviers
VFM & C L (Liege)
(also 16 Gauge)
VH top, VH arrow bottom
SCB Cureghem (Societe Cartoucherie Belge)
(also 12 and 20 gauge)
S.C.O.A Hunter Express
Speedwell Made in Belgium
Sporcq Mons-Liege (also used CH Sporq)
SporcQ Liege Secura 12 12 -
Without Deperdition
Note: Comet headstamps are confusing. It is believed those with CB and a Comet are Cartoucherie Belge made while those with just comet and gauge were made by SFM, France. But did one make for the other or? Bischweiller of Germany also had the same headstamp, likely made by either SFM or CB, Belgium.
Blue dot = Picture by Rene Polman
Sterling made for Simonsen & Nielsen, Copenhagen
Thanks to members of the I.A.A and Finn for providing some Photo's
Some photo's below by Finn (F.O), Ronny Ovland at: http://kvf.no\\
Yellow dot = Photo by Vesa Vesara
Blue dot = Picture by Rene Polman
Pink dot = Photo by Sky Chen
Blue dot = Picture by Rene Polman
Other without pictures
Dorhout Mees
Designs on side
Thanks to the following for providing many of the Pictures:
Finn (F.O), Ronny Ovland at: http://kvf.no\\
Sellier & Bellot made for Raufoss.
Sellier & Bellot made for Nitedal
An Gronn frederikshald
Carlsberg, Kristiana
Diane (scrolled font) by Hagen
H Platiou Bergen
(also 12 & 20 gauge) |
Hagen asterisks Hagen Diane (scrolled font)
H Hagen & Co L.H Hagen & Co
L.H Hagen & Co Diane (scrolled font)
L.V Chr.a (Christiania)
LV KRA (Kristiania)
Massiv H H
Maseng Christiania
Nitedal circle
"Nitedal" Norge"
Norma Nitedal
Scrolled R (Raufoss Ammunisjon-fabrikker)
RA (Raufoss Ammunisjon-fabrikker)
(also 12 gauge)
Raufoss (Raufoss Ammunisjon-fabrikker)
Raufoss H 1926
Raufoss Amm Fabriker (Raufoss Ammunisjon-fabrikker) Raufoss Patronfabrik
SAB Stars (By Hagen)
Schou Oslo
Thanks to Finn for providing some Photo's
3 stars
Clagwear (Snap Cap)
Green dot = Photo by Robert Ruebel
Shotgun 6 Africa, Asia & Middle East
Shotgun 7 Central & South America, Oceania & Unknowns
Shotgun 8 Russia & Eastern Europe